Nov 12, 2008

best 9 months...

we really had our best 9 months during my pregnancy. we have been together for years. together for 9 years. register. wedding ceremony 1 year later. married for 4 years. means total of 14 years. exclude days when we started going as those definitely sweet. living under the same roof for 8 years. you know, is easy to see each other but is always hard staying together. when you are expose to all the hidden characters. we have lots of quarrel. complains. bet most of the couple do so. people always said that having a child in a family will help to improve marriage. hmm...

during my pregnancy, we rarely quarrel. everything are just so sweet. every moment. time spend together. they are all sweet. bet we are just too happy about each and every day drawing closer to the day we eventually will get to meet ian. guess i will never forget these 9 months. they are just too sweet to forget...

when i look at friend's photo when they are pregnant, i just feel something is missing. how can we forget to take photo during my pregnancy? days that are so sweet. this will be the only hole we left for our best 9 months...

always see or hear people having morning or evening sickness, vomit, no appetite when they are pregnant. i had a good pregnancy. really... no sickness. no vomit. eat what also ok. but i always have a windy stomach. so, it cause some discomfort during my pregnancy. but lee pheng jie jie's remedy, ginger water with honey helps. also my minyak cap kapak. haha... tea lady, auntie may said that ian will be healthy since i do not have much problem during pregnancy. i hope is true...

ian likes me taking warm drinks. he feel comfortable after i drink some hot drinks. therefore i had always keep my thermos of hot water with me. drink warm water... i have been lucky. papa is working near me. always drop me in front the door steps and pick me up there. bring me out for lunch. papa always treat ian nice food. he always ask.. "what to eat this weekend?" way before weekend. haha.. we had lots of steamboat because papa likes it.

i got horrible food poisoning during my 1st trimester. company treat us lunch. lots of people were down with that although not all. i still remember that every half an hour i got to go to the toilet once for the entire night. couldn't even sleep. worst because i am afraid of taking any medicine, i need to let it recover by itself. i lost weight but lucky that ian is growing. dr may wong ensure us that as long ian is growing, he is fine. the weight lost is only mine. there after, papa never allow me to eat from the cafeteria. he will try his best to drive me out for lunch or i will ta pau vegetarian food in the morning. i been on vegetarian for ian if possible once a week. besides, my ex-colleague, calvin also play apart for my lunch. he will bring me out for lunch when he work around the area. that's how i deal with my lunch.

however, towards the end of my pregnancy, papa got a good offer. he has to work in kl. so i have to drive to work. i got to park in front of the office therefore i won't have to walk far from the car park since i am pregnant. but my lunch, i will have to cover days where papa bring me out for lunch. but that's not too long from ian's birth day. just less than 2 months. i have to drink hot milo each day before i leave office to keep ian calm. clear my bladder to give ian space. but it always jam on the way home. due to the drink, soon my bladder will fill up. ian will start to complain - kick and kick. i will have to talk to him. tell him we are almost home. ask him to hang on for a while more. i really got to rush into the toilet when i step home. that's what happen during the days when i drive to work.

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